St Thomas’ Churchyard

Burials and ashes

If you are looking for information on a relative who might be buried in St Thomas’ graveyard, this St Thomas' graveyardspreadsheet may be helpful: Graveyard list and plans. The graveyard list (first tab) includes all known burials and ashes interred, including the names appearing in the current parish register and on memorials, though may not include details from older registers and memorials. The  plans (second and third tabs) show whereabouts in the churchyard burials and ashes may be found.

The churchyard is still open for burials and interment of ashes of those resident in the parish or with strong links to it. Contact the ministry team for more information.

The churchyard environment

The churchyard is a beautiful and peaceful “God’s acre” in the heart of Simpson village and is a haven for wildlife of all kinds. Part of our calling as Christians is to be good stewards of God’s creation and we try to apply that to this particular corner of creation.

Through 2020 and 2021 we participated in a project within the village to enhance the biodiversity and habitats available in the village and its surrounding areas. As part of this we surveyed the churchyard through 2021 to find out what can be seen at each stage of the year; we observed bee orchids, star of Bethlehem, pyramidal orchid and many other flowers. The churchyard is also a refuge for many kinds of birds, small mammals, other animals and insects. This report gives an overview of what was learnt during the year.

Bee orchid in churchyard   Red admiral butterfly in churchyard   Orchid in churchyard   Star of Bethlehem flower in churchyard

The year-long survey has helped us understand how best to manage the churchyard  for the benefit of both wildlife and the humans who visit, use and love it.