St Thomas’, Simpson

St Thomas church in winter (photo: Nicola Vidamour)


St Thomas’ Church
Hanmer Road
Milton Keynes

 Serving the areas of:
   Tinkers Bridge

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Please address all correspondence to the Partnership Office

Service times
Sundays 11:15 am
(note change of timing from May 2024)

Mission statement
Church diary

St Thomas’ news sheet
WEP News Sheet

Donate online to St Thomas’ church 


The nave, chancel arch, altar, east window and roof beams          St Thomas east window (photo: Iola Samuels)

Welcome to St Thomas’, Simpson

Our Sunday services start at 11:15 am (prompt – please try to arrive around 11:00) and last around an hour. Please note the service timing changed in May 2024 so you may still spot older information around showing an earlier start time.

Holy Communion is usually celebrated twice a month, with services of the Word on other weeks. There is normally a more interactive all-age service once a month. The church diary and weekly notice sheet gives details of the services planned for the next few weeks.

Typically we see 25–40 people on a Sunday, of all ages from infants to centenarians. Visitors and new members find a friendly welcome and a family atmosphere. After the service finishes, everyone is welcome to stay for a drink and biscuits (gluten-free always available).

After the service on the fourth Sunday of each month, many of the congregation stay for “Soup and Soul” – a light vegetarian lunch followed by a group Bible study, finishing around 2 pm.

Finding usA map excerpt linking to

The church is in the corner between Simpson Road, Simpson Drive and Hanmer Road. There’s a little parking available near the entrance from Hanmer Road (please don’t part on the grass or blocking anyone’s drive), and more in the laybys just across Simpson Road or the larger Parks Trust car park on Simpson Drive.


There is level access into the building. The church has a hearing loop and toilets including wheelchair-accessible. Large print versions of hymn books and service books are available (please ask).

At Holy Communion services, people are normally invited to go to the front (on the level) to received Communion, but if you need it brought to you, just let someone know when you arrive. Similarly if you need gluten-free bread, please let someone know when you arrive. We normally have individual glasses for the wine.

Social events

A table laden with food for a carol concertThe church has a busy social calendar including quiz nights, concerts, afternoon tea events, bring-and-share suppers, and events for people walking in the lovely parkland near the church. Social events are open to all – you don’t have to attend church to be very welcome!

Click here for a full list of what’s currently in the diary. There’s also a downloadable diary available, and events coming up soon are on the weekly notice sheet.

The building and churchyard

The church building dates from the early thirteenth century. You can read more about its architecture and history here.

As with most mediaeval buildings, there is always work to do! At present (summer 2024), we have some significant cracks in the walls around the chancel. These are the result of very dry weather in the summers of 2021 and 2022, worsened by the nearby trees having grown too large. We have been advised that pollarding the trees over the next few years (to reduce their water demands) should correct the problem gradually. More recently, part of the flashing of the roof of the north transept has come away and needs significant attention, which should take place soon.

We continue actively fundraising to meet the costs involved in maintaining this beautiful building. All contributions, large or small, are very welcome.

The churchyard is a beautiful and peaceful “God’s acre” in the heart of Simpson village and is a haven for wildlife of all kinds. You can read more about what can be seen here. There is a list of burials and ashes interred in the churchyard here.

 St Thomas church through the nearby trees