Holy Trinity, Woolstone

 Woolstone Church

Serving the areas of
Woolstone and Springfield

Holy Trinity Church
Mill Lane
MK15 0AJ

Please address all correspondence
to the Partnership Office

Service Times

Parish News Sheet

 Church Events Diary

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The Church dates back to 1212; the font pre-dates the Church, at over 1000 years old. There has been considerable restoration of the church roof and parts of the walls, though original features can still be seen. A wall carving of the visit of the three magi, some original beams and the staircase are in situ, though a modern ladder complies with health and safety regulations when needed. The ancient Churchyard is closed, so is no longer available for burials.


 Woolstone Church

 Woolstone Church

: Sunday morning 11.00am, followed by tea or coffee and maybe home-made cake. All are welcome, even if you turn up in the middle of the service, just open the chancel door and come in. We are a small congregation, but make up for it with a good will, friendship and sincere love for God.

The Rev James Whysall is our retired, volunteer Minister, ably assisted by other ministers in the area and supported by two Churchwardens, Ken Macleod and Judy Rapp.

Access: Services are held in the Chancel; the Nave, which is part of the Community Centre, can be used when we have a large congregation. There is disabled access round the back of the church parking area, with two designated parking places for blue badge holders leading to a short ramp up to the Church.

Woolstone Church

Recent events included a children's concert in November, which showed that our local children are incredibly talented and a carol concert in December, which raised enough money that we were able to send Willen Hospice the sum of £100. We occasionally have fish and chip suppers organised around a quiz and sometimes hold 'bring and share' friendship lunches after a service, but attendance at church is not obligatory before joining us for a meal.

Our most notable event this year was at our Remembrance Sunday when Des Griffiths officially received the Legion d'Honneur medal for his services on the seas off the Normandy Beaches in a minesweeper.
